Woodstock lives | With a little help from my friends

• They helicoptered over crowds into the Woodstock festival and hiked in past abandoned cars. They danced at dawn on a muddy hillside and dodged drenching rain. They barely slept, phoned Mom to say they were OK and marveled at their sheer numbers. They let behind sodden socks and sleeping bags, but gained an enduring sense of community. Fifty years later, memories of the anarchic weekend of Aug. 15-18, 1969, remains sharp among people who were in the crowd and on the stage for the historic festival.

*Movies: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

* Books: The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator by Timothy C. Winegard

* Music: Mixtape Volume 1 by Jesse Dayton

* Travel: populist politics



Extra 3355 – Woodstock lives | With a little help from my friends

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