Bus concessions extended for another 14 months

The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosário, has confirmed to the press that the bus service concession has been extended for a 14-month period.

Macau’s bus service is operated by two bus companies under concessions issued by the government. The government pays a subsidy to the operators.

Considering that the current bus services have been criticized by the public, many, including lawmakers from both pro-government and democratic camps, have urged the government to act cautiously while renewing the contract.

If the public interest cannot be guaranteed in the new contract, the government is encouraged to extend the current one for a shorter period of time.

The terms and subsidy of the extended contract remain unchanged, at an annual cost of about 1 billion patacas.

Explaining the move, the secretary said that consensus on a new contract had not yet been reached. He added that it takes time, while admitting that he wrongly estimated the time needed to draw up a new contract.

The last contract extension added a period of 15 months to the concessions. This was done to buy time for negotiations, “but an agreement could not be reached,” said Rosário.

He suggested that the media inquire with the incoming administration on the progress of the negotiations. AL

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