Aexis Tam to lead Macau offices in Portugal and EU

The outgoing Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Alexis Tam, has been appointed as the new head of the Macau Economic and Commercial Delegation in Portugal, TDM Macau reported.

According to the news outlet, Tam will replace the current head of the Macau Delegation in the country, O Tin Lin, from the start of 2020.

In the same report, it is also noted that besides leading the office based in Lisbon, Tam will also acquire duties as the head of the Macau Economic and Commercial Delegation for the European Union (EU), headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

In addition to being the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture during the second term of the government led by Chui Sai On, Tam was also appointed in the last few years as the head of Portugal affairs, coordinating the Macau-Portugal Joint Commission.

He also led the Guangdong-Macau Cooperation Framework Agreement and the Preparatory Office for the Hengqin Chinese Traditional Medicine and Industrial Park.

Tam entered the government when Chui, at the start of his first term as Chief Executive in December 2009, appointed Tam to head his office and be the government spokesperson.

From December 20, Tam’s current government position will be assigned to the former Identification Services Bureau Director, Ao Ieong U, who will succeed Tam in the Secretariat. RM

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