Macau designers encouraged to submit entries to Shenzhen design award

Designers from Macau were encouraged to submit entries to the Shenzhen Global Design Award at an introductory forum held by the Macau Design Centre.

In 2008, Shenzhen became the first Chinese city to be listed by UNESCO as a City of Design. It is also the first city in China to join the Creative Cities Network, of which Macau is a member as well, but in the field of gastronomy.

The award has been held annually in the South China coastal city since 2018. The winners of the award will receive prizes totaling 10 million yuan.

Co-organizing this year’s award, the Macau Design Centre held an introductory forum over the weekend. Presided over by Kenneth Ho and Au Chon Hin, both local designers, the forum sought to familiarize local designers with the prestigious award. They also hopes the award will inspire local designers to elevate their aspirations.

It was introduced at the forum that the award has five categories, namely architecture, interior design, industrial design, fashion design and communication design.

The four types of awards for each of the five categories are gold, silver, bronze and an honorary prize. The gold award comes with a 500,000-yuan prize, while recipients of the silver and bronze prizes will be given 300,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively.

Registration is open until February 9. The award ceremony will be held on April 16.

Meanwhile, the Centre is holding an exhibition showcasing the winning design in the Macau Design Award 2019 until end of this month at the Macau Handover Gifts Museum.

Officially opened in 2015, the Macau Design Centre is operated by the Macau Designers Association. It aims to provide requisite resources to support the development of Macau’s design industry. Not only does it spread news about design in Macau, it also connects local designers with those from other places. AL

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