Briefs | Water heater explodes, no injuries reported


Yesterday, a water heater exploded in an apartment at Mong In residential building located on Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira. The incident took place at 9.30 p.m. on Tuesday. No one was injured in the accident. The Fire Services Bureau inspected the apartment and discovered the reason behind the explosion. The water heater had been continuously turned on, constantly heating up the water. The high pressure inside the heater led to an explosion. As the heater was installed in the kitchen, items inside the kitchen were also damaged. According to the bureau, the incident did not result in a fire. The two people living in the house were both unharmed.

Cases of dog fouling in public spaces rises during epidemic period

During the epidemic prevention period, cases of dogs fouling public places have become more frequent, according to a Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) advisory committee member. Yesterday, several representatives of the bureau spoke on a TDM radio programme about hygiene matters. One of the representatives said that dogs had been fouling public spaces, mostly late at night. Dog owners are failing to clean up dogs’ faeces properly in accordance with IAM’s instructions, which suggest that dog owners should clean up with a material that absorbs water instead of just using water to wash the ground. The IAM hopes dog owners can change their dogs’ habits and train the pets to do their business at home.

1,000 prosecutions related to hygiene matters

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) has prosecuted over 1,000 cases of behaviour that violates the city’s public hygiene law so far this month. According to the IAM, the bureau has requested that cleaning companies enhance sanitization in the city, including carrying out more frequent washing of public streets, public bathrooms, bus stops, among others. The bureau has also enhanced inspections of local restaurants. The IAM also expressed its appreciation of cleaners both in public and private spaces.

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