The Buzz | Taiwan President Tsai takes stock of pandemic

Taiwan’s president said the coronavirus pandemic has changed the global political and economic order, accelerated and expanded the reorganization of global supply chains, restructured the global economy, and changed the way we live and shop.
In an address yesterday on her inauguration to a second term, Tsai said such changes present both challenges and opportunities, particularly for Taiwan, which has received praise for its handling of the outbreak even while being excluded from the World Health Organization at the insistence of China.
Beijing claims the self-governing democratic island as its own territory.
With virus threats still looming, “only those who can end the pandemic within their borders, lay out a strategy for their country’s survival and development, and take advantage of opportunities in the complex world of tomorrow, will be able to set themselves apart on the international stage,” Tsai said.
As an aging society, Taiwan needs to bolster disease prevention and treatment capabilities and link industries to make more breakthroughs in vaccine and new drug development, she said.

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