Briefs | Ella Lei calls for retirement of non-local cooks


Lawmaker Ella Lei has repeated her demands to the government, asking for the protection of local workers. This time, Lei was talking specifically about cooks. Gaming companies should provide facilities and coaches to train local cooks, according to Lei. She also wants the government to work with gaming companies to carry out employment training. The local workers represented by Lei said that some restaurants had forced the local executive chefs to work for a daily salary instead of a monthly salary. According to statistics from the Labour Affairs Bureau, as of July 2019, gaming companies and their affiliated companies hired 2,840 non-local cooks. Lei asked whether the local government would set a fixed ratio between local cooks and non-local ones.

Lawmaker asks about residential building electricity supply

Lawmaker Chan Hong has asked the local government to establish laws to regulate the electricity supply in buildings. In her interpellation to the government, Chan pointed out that Macau has a large number of buildings over 30 years old. The facilities in these buildings have aged, and electricity supply devices are especially worn out. In addition to the accumulated degeneration of the installations, many local property owners lack awareness about what needs to be done to maintain these facilities. Many property owners also lease their properties, making it difficult to find the right person to maintain the facilities. In the context of these issues, Macau lacks a law regulating residential building electricity devices. Chan believes that the first solution the government must provide is establishing a law on the issue, followed by improving local residents’ awareness of residential building electrical safety.

Roads to close for engineering work

Rua de Tai Lin will be affected by special transport arrangements starting today, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) announced yesterday. From today until July 31, the road will ban parking by vehicles and pedestrian thoroughfare. The DSAT also extended the special transport arrangements in the vicinity of the Legislative Assembly building for a longer period. Until October 5, the government will construct the parking lot at the Praça da Assembleia Legislativa. The government will continue the road closure from Praça da Assembleia Legislativa to the parliament building. This parking lot will be available for the Legislative Assembly’s internal use. It will be a two-level underground parking space.

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