Hotel occupancy rate stood at 40.3%

The average occupancy rate of guest rooms stood at 40.3% in January, representing a month-to-month fall of 12.8 percentage points and a year-on-year drop of 40.7 percentage points, according to data provided by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC).
A total of 447,000 guests checked into hotels & guesthouses in January, indicating a decline of 58.6% year-on-year.
Guests from mainland China fell by 52.5% year-on-year to 373,000 (83.5% of total), whereas local guests inched up by 0.7% to 49,000. The average length of stay of guests increased by 0.2 night year-on-year to 1.7 nights.
There were no inbound package tour visitors in January, while the number of visitors joining local tours was 1,100. Outbound residents using services of travel agencies totalled 7,900, and 7,600 (96.2%) of them went to mainland China.
Data on hotels & guesthouses designated for medical observation were excluded in the compilation of the results.
December hotel occupancy rate fared well due to the Christmas holiday, with some even achieving an occupancy rate of 80%.
The Macao Government Tourism Office previously ascribed the uptick in the hotel occupancy rate partly to the government’s ongoing promotional efforts targetting mainland visitors. They included hotel discounts, airfare roll-backs and cash vouchers. LV

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