Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, indicated yesterday that as soon as the Financial Services Bureau hands over the new Qingmao Border Port to the competence of the Macau Security Force (the entity responsible for the management of land border posts), Macau will begin conducting several tests on the equipment, together with Zhuhai. Only after its completion, can a date be confirmed for opening the new station.
Wong explained that, at the moment, the equipment for the Macau side is already ready, but it is expected to be prepared and concluded by the Zhuhai side.
The official added that when all these steps are completed the date of the opening of the Qingmao Border Port can be confirmed. He reiterates that he expects this to happen in the second half of the year.
As for human resources, the Secretary revealed that the Customs Service, Public Security Police Force, Fire Department and the Macau Security Force are already prepared.
This involves “Integral Border Inspection”, with the installation of 50 automatic passages both for entry and exit, and two manual control passages per entry and exit, which reduces the need for staff compared to other border posts. Thus, officials will purely be in charge of ensuring public order and the functioning of the system.
Construction works for the new Qingmao Border Port have been completed and have entered the inspection phase, the Infrastructure Development Office (GDI) announced on Tuesday.
The project, costing nearly MOP4 billion, was initially expected to be completed in April.
“The construction of this project aims to relieve the border pressure at the Gongbei Border, as well as improve the water quality of the Canal dos Patos through the interception of wastewater and a new penstock system,” the GDI noted.
The bureau added that “an inspection is in progress to receive the works carried out for the subsequent delivery procedure.”
Parking spaces for
tourism coaches
The Transport Bureau (DSAT) and the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) are planning to set up 25 parking spaces for tourism-purposed coaches at the old vehicle inspection center and at a former IAM plant nursery. Lo Chi Kin, vice-president of the IAM Administration Committee, said that the supporting facilities in the environs of Qingmao port include outdoor activity spaces, parking lot and stadium. The location is sufficiently large; however, the parking lot designated for tourist buses only accounts for a small area.
Lo affirmed that he had already received the notice from the DSAT. However, due to discrepancies with the original design, the authorities need to make adjustments and consult the opinions of the relevant departments.
Once there is a new design plan, it will be announced as soon as possible. Lo expects that the new design plan will be released in about two months if the coordination between various departments runs satisfactorily.
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