The value of the SAR’s retail sales for the first quarter totaled MOP18.75 billion, up 68% year-on-year, the region’s statistics department revealed yesterday.
The latest report from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) showed that among the major retail trade activities, the sales values of communication equipment, leather goods and watches, clocks and jewelry saw notable year-on-year increases of 182.4%, 150.5% and 123.4% respectively, whereas sales value of supermarkets dropped by 17.9%.
Regarding the sales volume index, the indices of communication equipment, leather goods and watches, clocks and jewelry registered significant growth, while the index of supermarkets declined.
The value of retail sales in the first quarter of 2021 rose 3.1% compared to the revised figure of MOP18.19 billion in the fourth quarter of 2020.
The sales value of communication equipment rose markedly, whereas sales values of motor vehicles and adults’ clothing dropped.
Moreover, the sales volume index grew by 4.2% quarter-over-quarter.
Concerning retailers’ comments, 43.4% of retailers expected the sales volume to remain stable year-on-year in the second quarter of 2021, 41.6% anticipated a decrease and 15.0% forecast an increase.
As for retail prices, 58.7% of retailers predicted that they would remain steady year-on-year in the second quarter, 30.2% foresaw a decrease and 11.1% expected an increase.
Compared to the first quarter of 2021, about 45.7% of retailers saw sluggish business in the second quarter, whereas 54.3% expected either a stable performance or a more favorable outlook. MDT/Xinhua
Retail sales almost MOP19b in Q1
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