Health chief declines disclosure on future Cotai hospital operator

It is not appropriate to disclose too much about the speculated operating entity of the future Island Hospital for the time being, Alvis Lo, director of the Health Bureau, recently said.
The medical doctor added that the matter is still in the planning, researching and exploring phase, leaving a lot of room for changes.
Last week, Cheung Chun Wing, managing subdirector and associate medical consultant of the private Kiang Wu Hospital, revealed that the preliminary information available to him pointed to the direction of the future medical facility being operated by a mainland entity “with higher quality and long history.”
When questioned on the matter, along with refraining from making further disclosures, Lo said that he would not rule out any possibility. He assured journalists that the government was in talks with “different entities”, but there was no confirmed plan so far.
He said the government is willing to listen to different opinions on the matter when he was asked why a Hong Kong medical entity, which generally enjoys stronger confidence in Macau, was not considered.
In addition, he revealed that the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong has been commissioned to run a study on Macau’s medical system. AL

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