Lawmaker wants faster workplace safety legislation

Lam Lon Wai

Lawmaker Lam Lon Wai is urging for the rapid enactment of Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) legislation for the construction industry, in light of recent industrial accidents.

Lam cited two fatal industrial accidents in November and December respectively. Although the government has been working on refining WSH rules, workplace accidents have been on the rise, with a high level of casualties.

As a result, he believes that the government should speed up legislative procedures on WSH for the construction industry and improve site inspection and training.

Lam pointed out that the number of workplace accident victims in 2020 was 4,209. Meanwhile, in the first three quarters of this year, the toll has reached 3,690. It is estimated that the number will increase this year, Lam said.

For many years, the entertainment, gaming and other service industries such as the hotel, catering and construction sectors have been heavily affected by high rates of workplace accidents. In particular, the construction industry has an especially high accident mortality rate. 

In the first three quarters of the year, eight fatalities have been recorded in the construction industry.

The lawmaker has called on the government to expedite research into industry-based workplace accident compensation adjustment mechanisms. Lam recommends that the construction industry be a pilot industry when the mechanism is put into effect.

He also recommended that the government establish a detailed and comprehensive strategy to avoid workplace accidents in the construction industry in light of a series of large-scale and complex construction projects due to commence in the coming years, including the Fourth Harbor-crossing Bridge, the Light Rail Transit development and several casino-resorts.

Regular drills should also be held to familiarize workers with evacuation, rescue and contingency plans.

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