Gov’t must inject funds into Islands Hospital if not self-sufficient

The government will be responsible for injecting the necessary funds to balance the accounts of the Islands Medical Complex if it does not find a way to be self-sufficient. The news came on Friday during the press conference from the Executive Council (ExCo) by the

coordinator of the preparatory office for the Macau Medical Center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Lei Wai Seng.

Lei was speaking at the press conference about the completed analysis by the ExCo of the administrative regulation that established the bylaws of the Islands Medical Complex.

Without entering into much detail, Lei explained that besides the investment already made by the government, which amounts to some 13 billion patacas, the executive will have the duty to continue funding the Medical Complex until the operations become self-sufficient, which is, according to the same official, one of the main goals.

Lei also noted that, officially, recruitment for the medical facility can only start after the Medical Complex Legal Regime comes into force next week (October 1).

For the first phase of operations, which will start before the year ends as the government announced on several occasions, the Islands Hospital Complex expects to hire some 500 staff members, who have been already pre-selected.

The administrative regulation established that the administrative bodies of the Medical Center include a Strategic Development Committee, a Management Board, a Supervisory Board, and a Financial Committee.

While the first is the supreme decision-making body of the Medical Center, which is responsible for deciding on the administrative, financial, and personnel management of the Medical Center, as well as its operations, the Management Board and the Financial Committee are bodies subordinated to the Strategic Development Committee.

The Supervisory Board is responsible for all the internal supervision of the Medical Center, namely for financial verification, as well as for communicating and presenting opinions and suggestions to the regulatory entity, whenever problems are detected in the functioning and finances of the medical facility.

The regulation also allows the Medical Center to create functional units, including medical education and medical research units that are considered necessary for long-term development needs. Affiliations with other hospitals or institutions as well as representation of the hospital outside Macau are also permitted.

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