Angola mines 10 million carats of diamonds in 2014

The 10 million carats of diamonds mined in Angola in 2014 generated revenue of USD1.6 billion, according to provisional figures from the Ministry of Geology and Mines.
The numbers figure includes the industrial mining, exports and artisanal mining, in which small-scale miners are provided with a mining license from the state.
The ministry’s figures showed that 8.75 million carats of industrial production were exported, providing revenue of US$1.308 billion.
Each carat (equivalent to 0.2 grams) of these diamonds was sold, on average, for around US$150.
Artisanal mining, according to the same figures, in 2014 accounted for production of 934,500 carats, which earned US$332.2 million, with a price per carat of US$355.
Angola is the Africa’s third largest diamond producer by quantity and value, only surpassed by Botswana, the world’s largest producer with about 38 million carats, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, with 30 million carats. MDT/Macauhub

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