AL Plenary

Access of foreigners to Hengqin ‘none of our business,’ Wong Sio Chak says

The easing of border procedures for foreigners to access Hengqin was once again a topic of discussion at the recent plenary session at the Legislative Assembly.

Lawmaker Wang Sai Man once again called for facilitating border procedures to Hengqin to foreigners, including Macau residents.

In response, the Secretary for Security, Wong Sio Chak, said visa-related issues for entering the mainland are beyond the scope of local authorities and depend exclusively on Central government policies.

Wong said the Macau border post area at Hengqin Border Post operates through a one-stop border, which “is intended for residents of mainland China, holders of the ‘Safe conduct for Travel to Hong Kong and Macau,’ and permanent residents of Macau and Hong Kong who hold the ‘Safe conduct for entry and exit from China for residents of Hong Kong and Macau’.”

He said mainland authorities are considering expanding the coverage of the channel’s recipients to include foreigners residing in Macau.

“If there is any relevant progress, it will be announced in due course,” he said, noting that suggestions such as issuing a special safe conduct or other documents, or creating a link between a visa and local identification cards are matters that fall exclusively under the jurisdiction of the mainland government.

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