Domestic abuse case prompts call for greater support

The recent domestic violence case with serious criminal circumstances has sparked calls for increased efforts to combat and prevent such incidents.

The director of the Women’s General Association of Macau, Wong Lei Lei, has emphasized the need for continued follow-up by judiciary and social assistance departments to protect victims’ rights and help them escape cycles of abuse.

Wong urged victims to seek help bravely and use judicial procedures to prevent domestic violence from recurring.

Responding to the police details, Wong expressed deep concern over the abuser’s repeated violence against his wife, underscoring the violation of the victim’s dignity and human rights. This incident not only affects those involved but also has a broader negative impact on society.

Wong stressed the importance of condemning such behavior and recommended comprehensive measures to address the issue.

Despite progress in increasing awareness, Wong acknowledged that domestic violence still persists due to underlying factors, such as economic constraints, housing instability, and concerns about children and family harmony.

Wong called on society to actively promote legal knowledge on the dangers of domestic violence, empowering victims, their loved ones, and even neighbors to identify and report potential cases promptly.

To provide long-term assistance, Wong suggested the government establish a comprehensive domestic violence family support plan, addressing employment, economic support, stable living environments, child care services, and legal assistance. This would strengthen victims’ determination to seek help, break the cycle of abuse and foster a safer environment.

The Women’s Association continues its efforts to achieve “zero domestic violence.” The organization will provide shelter services while working to improve the “Law on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence” and associated support mechanisms.

On Tuesday, the Judiciary Police said that suspect for the most recent domestic violence case was engaged in drunken behavior, and accused the victim, his wife, of having an affair.

He allegedly stripped her clothes, beat her, forced her to kneel and pray, tied her up with a telephone wire, and covered her mouth with a cloth. The abuse lasted for over two hours, leaving the victim’s head and body injured in multiple places. Victoria Chan

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