Lai Chi Vun Shipyards to open new restaurants in December

The Lai Chi Vun Shipyards in Coloane will welcome new long-term catering and leisure areas in December following extensive renovations, Deland Leong, director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau said.

The first phase of improvements began on July 1 and the shipyards will be closed to the public until completion.

The renovation will initially cover five land parcels in the area, totaling 4,600 square meters – plots X11 to X15 – with existing structures and wooden machines remaining in X11 to serve as an exhibition space.

Plots X13 and X14, previously wooden structures at risk of collapsing, will be rebuilt in steel to retain the original roof, height, and truss structure, transforming these areas into a fête-like space for cultural and creative industries and restaurants. Plots X12 and X15, with their flat floors, will remain open spaces, with wooden platforms installed to facilitate outdoor activities.

The Lai Chi Vun Shipyards area was listed as a cultural heritage site in 2018.

The project aims to transform the once-decrepit shipyards into a vibrant cultural space. The facilities will include permanent restaurants, outdoor areas, and exhibition spaces that highlight the region’s shipbuilding and fishing heritage.

While a temporary food truck previously operated in the area, the current project focuses on creating lasting installations. Future developments will feature skate and scooter parks, cafes, bookstores, and an urban garden. However, plans for a simulated ice rink is not included on the current ongoing project, according to Leong.

Nadia Shaw

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