
Locals flock to Zhuhai, spending billions annually

A survey by the Zhuhai Municipal Bureau of Statistics has revealed Zhuhai is becoming an increasingly popular destination for Macau tourists.

The report found Zhuhai welcomed an average of over 360,000 visitors from Macau and Hong Kong monthly.

Macau tourists accounted for a significant portion of monthly visitors to Zhuhai, spending approximately RMB454 million monthly, according to the bureau.

Extrapolated annually, their estimated expenditures could reach RMB5.5 billion if the trend continues.

Traffic data showed peak entry volumes at the China-Macau border on weekends and holidays, with an influx of “Macau cars going north.”

This is attributed to the convenience of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, as well as Zhuhai’s more affordable prices and diverse offerings.

About half of the Macau tourists visit Zhuhai for the day, while the rest stay one or more nights.

The findings signal Macau residents are increasingly opting to travel and spend leisure time in mainland cities like Zhuhai, which offer lower costs.

While presenting new opportunities for Zhuhai’s development, this shift may pose challenges for Macau’s businesses amid growing competition.

The data highlights Zhuhai’s growing appeal, which may raise concerns among Macau’s business community as it struggles to compete with the mainland city’s cost advantages and variety of offerings. VC

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