
DSAT adjusts parking spaces to improve accessibility

The Transport Bureau (DSAT) is implementing changes to parking arrangements in various districts to enhance vehicular access and optimize space usage, following calls from the community to improve parking.

In a statement, the bureau said it plans to gradually introduce ramped motorcycle parking spaces and extend light vehicle parking spaces to an average length of 5.5 metres.

Rua de Santa Clara has been selected as the first location for these modifications. Following adjustments, the motorcycle parking spaces will accommodate approximately 90 angled spaces.

The next phase includes adjustments to motorcycle spaces near San Franciso Garden and the extension of 23 metered parking spaces for light goods vehicles, with completion expected by late March.

Responding to community feedback advocating for angled parking spaces, the bureau said it will continue to install or modify such racks at suitable locations.

This process involves consultation with road users, community groups, and advisory organisations, alongside assessments of road conditions and safety factors.

A review of over 2,000 straight motorcycle parking spaces in the region is underway, with plans to complete their conversion to angled designs by year-end. Priority will be given to installing slant parking racks in narrower areas.

DSAT said it will monitor parking space usage closely and make further adjustments as needed.

Just last month, the Transport Advisory Committee urged local authorities to replace straight motorcycle parking spaces with diagonal options, a move aimed at improving safety and efficiency in the densely populated city.

Currently, motorcycle parking in Macau includes both straight and diagonal spaces, but the majority are straight, which pose challenges for riders.

The committee emphasizes that improving motorcycle parking design should start in areas that prioritize public needs.

This push for change echoes discussions from 2019, when former lawmaker Sulu Sou brought the issue to the Legislative Assembly.

He proposed changing the city’s current “right-angled” parking spaces to diagonal designs, following global trends that favor angled bays for their safety and efficiency.

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