A minimum wage will be fully implemented in all sectors during Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong’s term of office, emphasized Cheang Chi Keong, chairman of Legislative Assembly (AL)’s third standing committee, citing the secretary yesterday.
According to the chairman, Leong reiterated his promise that minimum wage will be fully implemented no later than three years after the new law on minimum wage takes effect. The lawmaker also estimated that if the bill, which stipulates the minimum wage for cleaners and security guards, is passed by the AL in May, it will come into force in December this year. Accordingly, he expects a full implementation of the minimum wage in 2019.
The committee continued discussing the minimum wage bill for cleaners and security guards yesterday, where government representatives introduced lawmakers to the enactments of supporting laws for implementing this bill. The government has started the legislative process for the amendment of laws and regulations on the management of buildings, and will launch the legislative process for regulating the property management sector in May.
In a Q&A session with the AL on the Policy Address yesterday, the Chief Executive Chui Sai On also stressed that the government will proactively implement the minimum wage. He expects the bill will be passed and that the scheme could be extended from the first two professions to all sectors in Macau. BY
Gov’t to implement minimum wage for all sectors in 2019
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