Briefs | Angola and Beijing implement diplomatic and service visa exemption

The Angolan and Chinese holders of diplomatic and service passports have been exempt from visas, since last Saturday, 11 April, the Angolan embassy in China said in a statement. The embassy said the agreement signed between the two governments in May 2014 in Luanda for a reciprocal visa waiver for holders of diplomatic and service passports “is an instrument to facilitate travel for holders of these passports.” The agreement applies to citizens of both countries, who are holders of valid diplomatic or service passports and wish to enter, exit or transit through the other country for a period of no more than 30 days. Angola and China established diplomatic relations in 1983, but two-way cooperation increased substantially after the end of civil war in Angola in 2002.

column_mozambique_macauhub.13.4.2015.470Factory funded by China inaugurated in Mozambique

A factory in the Chokué Agro-Industrial Complex, in Mozambique’s Gaza province, was yesterday due to be inaugurated by President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, the Mozambican state shareholding management office, Igepe, said in a statement. The Chokué Agro-Industrial Complex is a project expected to cost USD60 million, financed with a loan from the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im) of China. The main aim is to find a solution to the cyclical problems of agricultural production that has been lost over successive seasons both in Chokué and nearby (Limpopo Valley) affecting the efforts of the farmers involved. The new factory, in addition to processing rice, cashew nuts and tomatoes, will have capacity to store more than 30,000 tons of agricultural products.

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