The Maputo rings road, whose construction was awarded to the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), will be ready next December and not in the first half of this year as previously expected, announced the Mozambican Minister of Public Works.
Carlos Bonete, who on Saturday paid a visit to the site, said the delay was due to several factors related to the nature and complexity of the contract.
Initially the road was planned to open in December 2014 but this deadline was exceeded due to problems with resettlement of families who lived on the area selected for construction.
The project, costing an estimated USD315 million, includes construction of a 74 kilometer road that will create a new North/South axis (between Miramar Beach and the village of Marracuene), and will also involve building six bridges and three junctions that will allow traffic flow on National Highway Number One on the Zimpeto-Marracuene section.
The work was awarded to CBRC by the Empresa de Desenvolvimento de Maputo (Maputo Development Company), a public company that manages not only the construction of the Maputo Ring Road but also the bridge to Catembe and the Catembe-Bela Vista road. MDT/Macauhub
Mozambique | Chinese company due to finish Maputo Ring Road
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