Education | Student council slams school management for interfering with election

The University of Macau’s student union is locked in an ongoing dispute with the school’s management over the latter’s alleged “unsolicited involvement” in the preparation for the 18th election of the student council.
As the union’s electoral committee gears up for the election, the incumbent student council condemned the school’s Student Affairs Office for muscling in the group’s sub-committee’s handling of the election, which is slated to occur between October 14 and 16. A total of 8 candidate groups are running for the election.
In a statement on its Facebook page early Saturday morning, the group noted that some requests made by the office, which allegedly claims to have a legal right to supervise the election, would compromise the council’s independence.
The office reacted to the union’s accusations in a statement a few hours after the original post, asserting that some of their so-called “reasonable suggestions” had already been approved by the committee’s president and other members during a previous meeting.
However, in a separate statement responding to the school department, the committee has rebuffed the consensus that the office claimed to have reached, stressing that, “the opinions exchanged during the meeting do not serve as any decision as to how the election would be conducted.”

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