Travel machine

2464-2015-12-24-extraFrom roller coasters to cruises to destinations, virtual reality is exploding as a way to market travel.
You can parasail and paddle-board using virtual reality content produced by Florida’s Visit St. Pete/Clearwater Tourism Board. You can land a jet on Hamilton Island in Queensland, Australia, then go swimming with tropical fish in the Great Barrier Reef. You can watch the opening song “Circle of Life,” recorded at a live Broadway performance of “The Lion King,” and peer around the theater at everything from the aisles and audience, to the performers and props, to the conductor and backstage. And even if you can’t afford Dubai’s luxury Burj Al Arab Jumeirah hotel, you can take a 3-D online tour of a royal suite, lobby, helipad, bar, spa, restaurants, marble staircase with cheetah-print carpet and rotating canopy bed.
“VR is taking the world by storm, similar to what mobile did seven years ago,” said Abi Mandelbaum, CEO of YouVisit, which has created over 300 VR experiences for destinations, from Vatican City to Mexico’s Grand Velas Riviera Maya. “Virtual reality is the most realistic experience you can have of a place without being there. It’s powerful. It gets people excited and engaged and interested in having that experience in real life.” READ MORE

* Last minute gift guide

* Movies:Concussion

* Books:Politics in a Time of Crisis: Podemos and the Future of Democracy in Europe by Pablo Iglesias

* Music: Royalty  by Chris Brown

* Wine: The Golden State IV

* Food: European Sophistication



Extra 2464 – Travel machine

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