Crowd control in force on night before Xmas

1-Photo-23-12-2015,-9-29-11-PMSecurity authorities will be imposing traffic control measures on Christmas Eve in the downtown areas of the Macau Peninsula in response to the expected numbers turning up for various festive functions across the city.
The traffic arrangements, scheduled to be enacted during the evening as required, will target the Senado Square, the Ruins of Saint Paul’s and the square in front of Saint Dominic’s Church. These spots are located along the route of the Macau Light Festival 2015, which has attracted crowds of camera-wielding sightseers every night since the journey-themed attraction kicked off on the 6thof this month.
Rua de São Paulo, the most direct access route to the Ruins of Saint Paul’s with souvenir shops dotted along the city’s center, will be strictly limited to one-way movement, with people only allowed to move towards the historic façade in groups before they must proceed into the nearby alleyways or streets. Cars are prohibited from accessing the road.
After an audio-visual performance at the Ruins, the crowd of spectators closest to the façade will be directed into the roads on either side. Meanwhile, the crowd at the square will have to walk down away from the square and follow to police instructions.
If the crowd continues into the night, vehicles coming along the Rua de Dom Belchior Carneiro have to turn right into the Rua da Entena to approach the area of the façade. In addition, coaches will not be allowed to enter the Estrada Do Cemiterio into the Kiang Wu hospital roundabout.
While the city’s heart is filled with people, the police standing guard will conduct uni-directional traffic control on the periphery of the square, prohibiting people outside the square from entering.  AU

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