New dep’t heads appointed in gov’t reshuffle

Hoi Chi Leong, director of the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation, will take the helm of the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector (GDSE) from January 1 next year.
The news of the appointment was broken according to an order of the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Raimundo do Rosario, published yesterday at the Official Gazette (BO).
The office’s coordinator, Amaldo Ernesto dos Santos, will be appointed to head the Housing Bureau (IH) instead. The current IH head, Ieong Kam Wa, will be demoted to vice president as a result.
The officials will hold their new post for at least one year, according to the BO.
The Secretary for Transport and Public Works also finalized the appointment of two officials to the vacant vice coordinator positions at the Transportation Infrastructure Office, both of which have been unattended for some time.

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