Transport | No decision on additional HKD5.45b Delta Bridge funding

A transport barge travels past the under construction Delta Bridge as an aircraft takes off from HK airport

A transport barge travels past the under construction Delta Bridge as an aircraft takes off from HK airport

Hong Kong law- makers failed to make a decision on the government’s request for extra funding to finish its 42km portion of the bridge that will link Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai  (Delta Bridge). A report by the South China Morning Post (SCMP) stated that the government is short HKD5.46 billion to conclude the “necessary but not essential” facilities, including landscape works, toilets, taxi stands and car parks on the island that would serve as the boundary crossing point for the new bridge.
The proposed budget is also required to cover any project contingencies. The undersecretary for transport and housing, Yau Ching-mu stated that they have conducted a feasibility study and their traffic estimate came to 14,000 vehicles each day upon the bridge opening.  However they are expecting an increase of vehicle traffic over subsequent years.
“Governments from three sides are updating traffic estimates. But today, we don’t have a conclusion,” he said.
The bridge, which has already been delayed to the end of 2017, is said to play a strategic role by linking Hong Kong to the western Pearl River Delta. SCMP reported that the People’s Power legislator, Raymond Chan Chi-chuen, has put forward a motion to adjourn the meeting, despite support from other lawmakers in the pan-democrat camp.  The Finance Committee is set to meet again on Friday to further tackle the funding issue.

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