Education | DSEJ awards mentions to 15 teachers

2-GroupPhotoFor the first time in its history, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) held a ceremony that aimed to recognize the most “Distinguished Teachers” of the 2014-15 school year.
Fifteen teachers were honored for their distinguished performance in education, in a ceremony held yesterday morning at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center
Wang Shize, Wong Wang, Wong Chi Keong, Chu Lai Sa, Lam Kai Heng, Wu Chon Meng, Ha Lai Chu, Leung Kim Fong, Fong In Han, Dong Shu Zhen, Lao Kun Wa, Lin U Peng, Lou Chio Iong, Tam Iok Meng, and Nausheen Gull were the first members of the local teaching community to receive these accolades from the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam, who chaired the ceremony.
According to DSEJ Director Leong Lai,
these accolades will continuously be awarded every year from now on.
Leong Lai also stated
in her speech that “the mention of ‘Distinguished Teacher’ seeks to honor and praise the teachers who showed distinguished performances, as well as to encourage all Macau teaching staff to continue in their pursuit of the spirit of excellence in education.
She added that it is necessary to keep in mind that “education is a base value for social progress and it is deeply related to the well-being of Macau citizens,” justifying the creation of the new award.
To achieve this award, the candidates were required to have demonstrated a record of excellent teaching performance in the previous school year.
This year’s awardees include teachers working in kindergarten, primary, secondary and inclusive education levels. RM

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