Judicial Organization Law revision under public consultation

We need to weigh up all of the issues before proceeding to a public consultation and then we will be able to make a revision of that law,” said the Chief Executive when questioned about ways of improving the Judicial Organization Law.
Chui Sai On was speaking at the press conference held yesterday morning before his departure to Beijing regarding the possibility of a change in the law which is currently set to allow an appeal to a higher court when high officials and magistrates are involved in criminal investigations.
The CE refused to comment specifically on this possibility, but instead, remarked that “we need to work on two areas for the creation of an incorruptible society and government: on the improvement of the law and also on awareness and education [about legal issues].” He added that the Secretary for Administration and Justice Sónia Chan already said that it is necessary to review that law. I give all my support to an improvement of the law. The current law has been in force for a long time.”
On another topic, and once more responding to questions from journalists, the CE responded to comments about the Committee on Criminal and Legal Studies, headed until now by the former Public Prosecutor General, Ho Chio Meng. Chui said that the “Commission [on Criminal and Legal Studies] is led by the Public Prosecutor General and he is going to continue the works,” adding that he is waiting for the report from the Public Prosecutor General to make a decision on a possible replacement for that position. RM

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