‘Fresh meat’ sellers’ survival at stake


Lawmaker Pereira Coutinho has submitted an enquiry to the Legislative Assembly (AL) regarding recent developments in the retail prices of “fresh meat” in the region.
The enquiry highlights the reactions from the Iong Hap Tong Pork Meat Traders’ Association, who in late April refuted Chief Executive (CE) Chui Sai On’s previous assertion that retail prices were “too high” compared to the “wholesale market.”
In light of this information, the lawmaker wants the government to explain why it is allowing wholesalers to do business parallel to both traditional markets and supermarkets, stating that these practices are creating unfair competition and resulting in a possible “monopoly.”
In addition, he has urged the government to explain exactly how they reached the amount stated by the CE of an average retail MOP75 per Jin, when the sellers can prove that the actual amount is around MOP39.
Coutinho also wants to know whether the government has any intention of reviewing the authorization for wholesalers to sell fresh meat to supermarkets, since such products are not regulated by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM). He added that the survival of the traditional market’s fresh meat sellers might be at stake.

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