This Day in History | 1969 Brian Jones died of ‘drink and drugs’

England Brian Jones Court

Former Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones drowned after taking a cocktail of drink and drugs, an inquest has been told.
A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded by the coroner, Dr Angus Sommerville, after hearing the inquest into the star’s death at East Sussex coroner’s court.
Brian Jones was found dead in the swimming pool of his home at Cotchford Farm in Hartfield in Sussex four days ago.
The blonde-haired guitarist with a reputation for wearing flamboyant clothes and jewellery was one of the founder members of the Stones. He left the band a month ago citing musical differences and was planning to set up a new group.
The inquest was told the musician had gone for a midnight swim after complaining of the heat. His girlfriend Anna Wohlin, another friend Janet Lawson and a builder, Frank Thorogood, had spent the evening with him.
Mr Jones and Mr Thorogood had been drinking spirits and the guitarist had also been seen taking some pills.
Miss Lawson, who is a nurse, said she had warned the men they were not in a fit state to go swimming but they had disregarded her warning.
The alarm was raised by the housekeeper, Mary Haddock, who found the musician’s body at the bottom of the pool.
Miss Wohlin said she dived in and pulled him out and gave him artificial respiration.
She felt his hand grip hers briefly, but there was no other movement.
By the time the police and ambulance arrived he was dead.
Pc Albert Evans told the inquest he was called to the farm at 1210 hours and found the guitarist already dead.
He recovered a small bottle of brandy, which was almost empty, and a vodka bottle and small bottle of whisky, both of which were partially empty. He also found a number of bottles containing different types of pills.
First reports suggested Brian Jones had died after an asthma attack in the pool, brought on by the high pollen count.
But he lived a rock’n’roll lifestyle, was a heavy drinker and also had a history of drug-taking.
He had spent some time at the Priory rehabilitation clinic in Roehampton, south-west London, where he was diagnosed as paranoid.
Later he escaped a custodial sentence at the Appeal Court for drugs offences. His sentence was overturned on condition he continued to see a psychiatrist and received medical treatment.
He bought Cotchford Farm as a retreat and was reported to have given up drugs and was planning to settle down with his latest girlfriend.

Courtesy BBC News
In context

Brian Jones’s body was embalmed, his hair bleached white and he was reportedly buried in a special metal casket, paid for by Bob Dylan and flown in from the United States.
Speculation surrounding Jones’ death continues with a number of conspiracy theories.
A film, Stoned, released in 2005 claimed Jones was killed by his builder, Frank Thorogood, to whom he owed money. Mr Thorogood is also said to have made a deathbed confession in 1993.
Another theory is that he was murdered by being pumped full of drugs and then dumped in the pool.
The Brian Jones Fan Club, supported by one of his ex-girlfriends, has been campaigning to get the investigation into his death reopened.
It claims new evidence has been unearthed about his death and it has passed a dossier of information to Sussex Police.

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