MFFR leader sentenced to three months


The leader of the Macau Federation Family Reunion’s (MFFR), Lei Iok Lan, has been found guilty of the crime of qualified disobedience and sentenced to three months imprisonment with suspended sentence. The judgment was made yesterday at the Court of First Instance (TJB).
Exiting from the hearing, Lei said that she considered the sentence unfair adding that she will now consult her lawyer to see whether it is worth appealing the decision.
The case began in August last year when Lei headed a group of protesters gathered at the entrance of the Legislative Assembly (AL). The group tried to enter the building while the AL was in session with the attendance of the Chief Executive.
According to reports from the day, the demonstrators were barred from entering the AL building, which led to further confrontations and the police accusing Lei of disobedience. RM

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