Transportation | Sixteen new speed detection systems in Sai Van Bridge area

Sai Van Bridge

Sai Van Bridge

In order to reduce speeding incidents along the Sai Van Bridge and the Avenida dos Jardins do Ocean, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) has installed 16 sets of speed detection systems in the surrounding areas. The systems will be operational from today, according to the DSAT.
The Sai Van Bridge now has six speed detection spots. The new systems will record speeding motorists through panoramic cameras, and will be equipped with flashlights. Four of the 16 sets will be displayed along the road from Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Sai Van to the bridge. Three will be installed on each direction of the bridge in the segment close to Barra.
The DSAT has also installed more speed detection systems along the Avenida dos Jardins do Ocean, towards the entry point of Ponte Nobre de Carvalho. This system will also begin scanning for speeding incidents today.
The Sai Van Bridge opened more than ten years ago. According to the DSAT, parts of the equipment installed on the bridge have already worn out. By investing in these new systems, the department expects to enhance its inspection capabilities and to promote safer transportation in the area.
In view of the transportation regulations concerning the Sai Van Bridge, vehicles on the bridge are subject to a maximum speed limit of 80 km/h on the upper arc, and 40 km/h on both ends.

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