Briefs | IACM calls on citizens to name pandas

The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) is inviting Macau residents to choose the names of the two panda cubs born in June. Participants must name the duo with “meaningful and creative” Chinese names, and provide a brief paragraph of less than 150 words explaining the reason for the selection of that particular name. Entries are limited to one per person. IACM will collect names from August 8 to August 31. Final results will be co-selected by the IACM and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. They will choose two winners and offer prizes to another 200 participants.

Local youth visit Fujian on a sports exchange


Last week, the Sports Bureau (ID) took 23 local young people to Fujian to participate in a youth sports exchange alongside other groups from the province, according to the ID. The Macau delegation played table tennis and badminton against the Fujian teams, and were also provided with an opportunity to learn about sports training in Fujian. According to the ID, Fujian and Macau signed a number of sports exchange and cooperation agreements back in 2012. Since then, the two have co-organized several sport related events, with the youth sports exchange starting only in 2014. ID says these events enhance sporting techniques among Macau youth, and promotes the development of sports in both Macau and Fujian.

New bus running between Border Gate and Taipa

The new AP1X bus line will commence operations today. The AP1X bus will stop only at key stops and major bus transfer terminals on the existing AP1 route, including the Macau International Airport, the Largo Ouvidor Arriaga / Edf. Chun Yuet, and the Residencia Macau. The bus will run every day between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., and from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. According to the Transport Bureau (DSAT), the AP1X will ease the pressure on the AP1 route, on which more than 1,000 passengers have commuted every hour for the past years.

Man killed in neighbors’ dispute

A 59-year-old man was killed and another was seriously injured in a knife attack yesterday afternoon in a residential building in the Fai Chi Kei area, TDM reported. In an alleged neighbor dispute, the suspect, a 51-year-old man attacked a father and his son for unknown reasons. According to the report, both sons of the deceased victim are police officers, including the one that was injured in the attack. According to the building janitor, “disputes and arguments between the main victim and the suspect were frequent.” The police were alerted to the serious dispute by a phone call from another neighbor. Police at the scene took the suspect into custody. The Judiciary Police is already investigating the causes.

Breakdown on Turbojet network delays hundreds

A general breakdown in Turbojet’s ticket selling computer network at the Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal led to significant delays late yesterday morning. Malfunctioning air conditioning equipment that dripped liquid onto the computer system was allegedly the cause for the breakdown that occurred about 11 a.m. yesterday and was only resolved at 5:45 p.m. To solve the problem the company resorted to a manual ticketing system, which led to long queues and to delays that reached one and half hours. According to Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) the number of people waiting to buy a ferry ticket reached over 300.

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