World briefs

INDONESIA A volcano on the island of Bali has rumbled to life with eruptions that dusted nearby resorts and villages with ash and forced the closure of the small international airport on neighboring Lombok island as towering gray plumes drifted east.

INDIA As the Indian city of Mumbai commemorated the 2008 terror attacks that left 168 people dead, relatives of the victims said yesterday that they’re angry Pakistan has released a militant linked to the massacre. 

TONGA More than 35,000 fans have signed an online petition calling for an explanation of the no-try call Saturday that cost Tonga an historic victory over England in a semifinal of the Rugby League World Cup.

JAPAN More than six years after a tsunami overwhelmed the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Japan has yet to reach a consensus on what to do with a million tons of radioactive water, stored on site in around 900 large and densely packed tanks that could spill should another major earthquake or tsunami strike.

RUSSIA President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill allowing Russia to register international media outlets as foreign agents in a quid pro quo to the U.S. demand made to a Kremlin-funded TV channel.

EGYPT was reeling yesterday from the horrific militant attack on a mosque in northern Sinai that killed 305 people two days earlier — the deadliest assault by Islamic extremists in its modern history and a grim milestone in a long-running fight against the insurgency led by an Islamic State affiliate. More on p14

GERMANY An apparently intoxicated man drove a car into pedestrians in northern Germany yesterday, injuring six people. Police said on Twitter that they are investigating “in all directions” and were still examining whether it was an accident or the man deliberately drove into the group.

CROATIA’s most wanted fugitive, Ivica Todoric – known locally as “the Boss” – surrendered to London police this month amid accusations that he mismanaged his food and retail multinational and embezzled millions.

BRITAIN-IRELAND Ireland’s European Commissioner yesterday pressured British Prime Minister Theresa May (pictured) to change course on Brexit talks to solve the issue of the post-Brexit border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland so stalled negotiations can move forward.

MEXICO A human rights official in the Mexican state of Jalisco was found alive Saturday, a day after his apparent kidnapping generated worries about the safety of rights workers in the country.

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