Briefs | Few parents teach children about harassment prevention

The latest survey conducted by the Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office (Sheng Kung Hui) suggests that only 30 percent of parents frequently teach their children about preventing sexual harassment. Sheng Kung Hui interviewed 555 parents who have children below the age of 18. According to the study, 70 percent of parents generally agree with the necessity of educating their children about preventing sexual harassment. Sheng Kung Hui believes that it is hard for local parents to find ways to educate their children using relevant knowledge and effective methods. In the future, Sheng Kung Hui will establish an online information platform for parents to use.

IPM accepts applications to undergraduate programs

The Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM) will soon accept applications from prospective local students for the 2018/19 undergraduate programs. Graduating senior high school students and working professionals who wish to further their studies can apply from December 4 to January 19.  According to a statement issued yesterday, in recent years IPM has introduced several new undergraduate programs which adopt the ‘3+1’ and ‘2+2’ mode of learning – one to two years of studies completed at an overseas institution, during which students are able to broaden their international horizons and develop their language competencies. For the upcoming academic year, IPM expects to continue to recruit mostly local students.

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