Macau’s monitoring stations classified the air quality of more than 95 percent of days in 2016 as “good” or “moderate”, according to the latest report by the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA).
The report says that Macau’s air quality has improved overall in recent years, in line with the general trend in the Pearl River Delta Region.
Although some stations registered a consistent increasing trend in the concentration of certain pollutants, the average annual concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, recorded in all seasons of 2016, remained below standards.
The values of NH3, NMVOC and CH4 decreased in 2015 when compared to the previous year. However, DSPA noted that the increase in locally generated electricity and fuel consumed by transportation had resulted in the estimated values of other atmospheric pollutants as well as GHG surpassing those recorded in 2014.
In terms of water resources, assessment indexes for coastal waters, heavy metals and non-metals decreased in 2016 compared to 2015. The quality of coastal waters improved, but pollution levels caused by non-metallic materials remain critical.
Regarding solid waste, the quantity of solid urban waste in Macau increased slightly less in 2016 when compared to 2015.
Construction waste also decreased considerably in 2016, as well as the amount of special and hazardous forms of waste. The recycling rate of solid waste slightly increased from 2015. However, the amount of municipal solid waste discarded per capita is still fairly large.
In terms of noise pollution, noise levels recorded last year at the Estações da Avenida de Horta e Costa, Rua Cidade de Braga and at the Avenida de Venceslau de Morais were comparable to those recorded in 2015.
Noise levels recorded at Estação da Rua Correia da Silva and at Estação das Zonas Ecológicas do Cotai increased greatly compared to 2015.
Regarding nature conservation, the number of tree species in 2016 stayed the same as that of 2015, despite an increase in the total number of trees.
The report also analyzes factors such as “investment and participation in the environment.” The number of organizations which received environmental certificates in 2016 has grown, and the number of hotels awarded as Green Hotel has reached a new record, indicating that Macau’s enterprises are paying more attention to their environmental protection efforts.
In recent years, however, fewer companies have been encouraging the public to participate in environment-related activities or organizing courses and seminars on environmental management.
Overall, the quality of Macau’s air and coastal waters improved in 2016. However, the gradual economic recovery, greater population density and higher influx of tourists have resulted in higher consumption of electricity and water resources, as well as more urban waste. JZ