Art exhibition to celebrate Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the exhibition “28+28 | 28 female artists+28” will be inaugurated today at Albergue SCM.

Organized by Albergue SCM and co-organized with Galeria 57 Macau, the exhibition brings together 28 original art works by 28 different female artists from nine Portuguese-speaking countries.

The featured artists are based in Macau, Portugal, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tome and Principe and East Timor.

According to Albergue SCM, this will be the second time it has organized an exhibition of this nature.

The artworks on display encompass different styles and themes, a testimony to women’s significance and contribution to contemporary art.

The exhibition is also a tool to promote the dialogue between artists with diverse cultural roots. The dialogue, which is embedded in the past of Macau, is one of the foundations for its projection into the future, according to a statement by the cultural and creative space.

Although the celebration of International Women’s Day spans over one century, the date gained wider international recognition in 1977.

The celebration reminds attendees that promoting gender equality and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women is still an ongoing struggle.

The exhibition will be open to the public until April 16.

Categories Macau