ASK THE VET | African Grey Diet and Nutrition

shutterstock_165527012We are seeing a lot of Parrots in the hospital and most of them are here for nutritional problems. It is a basic requirement before you get a Parrot or any Bird to research what they need to survive, especially food wise. This week I will focus on the most common Parrot we see, the African Grey.
A large variety of food is important to provide the diet and nutrition that your African Grey Parrot needs to have a healthy and happy life. There are currently many differing opinions and thoughts on their diet and nutrition and there is no exact formula for feeding any parrot. My aim here is to provide the most up to date information on a balanced diet for your African Grey.
As a base, a pellet diet is the best way to go for your parrot. Preferably, an organically processed pellet, and not one that has any additives, such as artificial colouring and flavouring. Seeds, like sunflower seeds, are very high in fat and are not considered a heathy diet for your African Grey. Do not give vitamin supplements to your bird without asking the vet. Most African Greys on a pelleted diet do not need them.
Provide an assortment of fresh, wholesome, organic (if possible) vegetables. As with any child, sometimes it can be a challenge to get them to eat their veggies so you might have to spend some time encouraging your bird to eat them. Some vegetables contain more nutrients needed for your parrot than others.

Good vegetable choices are:
• Broccoli (great source of calcium)
• Kale (also a good source of calcium)
• Sweet potatoes
• Carrots
• Celery
• Zucchini
• Cucumbers
• Green beans
• Leaf lettuce (not iceberg)
• Peas – garden and snow
• Celery
• Peppers – green, red, chilli
• Collard greens
• Yellow and Butternut squashes

Good fruit choices are:
• Melons
• Apples
• Kiwi
• Mango and Papaya (skins removed)
• Grapes Oranges
• Berries – Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries

A common deficiency we see in African Grey’s diets are Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene, so its important to provide Beta-Carotene vegetables on a daily basis. Calcium is also extremely important, as it is the predominant mineral in bird bodies. It is essential for healthy bones, nerves and heart function, muscle contraction and blood clotting. An avian veterinarian should check your parrot yearly for calcium levels.
Water is also a very important part of your African Grey’s care. Make sure they have fresh water in a clean bowl on a daily basis. If you question the water quality, give them bottled spring water – never distilled water as that has all the minerals and nutrients taken away.

In the next article Ill talk about toxic foods for parrots
As the bird owner, you have the control over what your African Grey is fed to help ensure that you are doing the best you can to help them live a long, disease free life. Use good common sense, don’t hesitate to talk to your avian vet, and you will achieve the balance that your African Grey Parrot needs to provide them with a balanced nutritious diet. by Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester

Hope this helps
Till next week
Dr Ruan

Ask the Vet: Royal Veterinary Centre
Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678
Fax: +853 28508001

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