Recent studies have found a link between cats allergic to human lifestyles and conditions such as asthma. Feline allergy manifests itself in itchy skin conditions, respiratory problems and asthmatic attacks.
Feline asthma is an upper respiratory illness that causes difficulty breathing due to exposure to allergens. Very often the symptoms of asthmatic attacks are similar to cat hairball related cough. Certain cat breeds are more susceptible to feline asthma. Siamese cats in particular suffer from frequent asthma attacks. Allergens in the environment and household irritants are most likely to trigger a feline asthmatic attack.
It’s important to know if your pet is suffering from asthma, as medical attention is necessary. After appropriate diagnosis, the vet might prescribe medications such as Prednisone. Along with medication, it’s best to identify substances or situations that cause an asthmatic attack. Some pet owners have identified specific cat litter that causes allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in their pets.
Symptoms of Allergies in Pets
Difficulty urinating
Skin inflammation
Shortness of breath
Mycoplasma in Cats
Symptoms of respiratory difficulties are generally linked to asthma. Along with environmental allergens, cats may be susceptible to mycoplasma infections. Mycoplasma is a bacterial organism that exists in the environment. It can infect both dogs and cats, and it also poses a risk to humans. The symptoms of mycoplasma in cats can range from mild to severe. Pets with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of contracting the infection.
Mycoplasma is also closely linked to severe asthmatic attacks. Cats with mycoplasma infections have to be diagnosed and treated promptly. There is no vaccine available for the prevention of mycoplasma. Chemical disinfection and strong sunlight are the only preventive measures to kill existing bacterial organisms.
Allergens Present in Human Environments
House dust
Human dandruff
Cigarette smoke
Cat litter
Household bacteria
Cleaning agents
Preventing Exposure
Pet owners should take necessary precautions to prevent both asthma and allergic reactions in pets. The household should be left open to allow strong sun-rays to kill germs and bacteria. Allergic pets should also be kept in smoke free households, as smoke causes upper respiratory problems in cats. Research studies have discovered that asthmatic cats kept away from cigarette smoke environments showed an improvement in health.
It’s important to avoid giving pets table scraps or food that isn’t a part of their diet. Human food can contain ingredients that are toxic to your pet and may cause digestive reactions.
It’s best to maintain hygienic and smoke free surroundings along with a proper diet to keep your pets healthy, happy and free from feline asthma.
Hope this info helps
Till next week
Dr Ruan Bester
Ask the Vet:
Royal Veterinary Centre
Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678
Emergency: +853 62662268
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