Can I Give My Cat a Bath?

In this post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions: Can I teach my cat to like a bath? How do I give my cat

Can I give my cat bath?

In this post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions including: • Do I need to bath my cat? • What supplies do I

Some answers to frequently asked questions on emergency situations

Is a dog urinating blood an emergency? Although seeing blood in the urine can be scary or upsetting, it is not always the symptom of an

Ask the Vet | Warning signs of diabetes in cats

The warning signs of diabetes should be taken seriously, as diabetes is a complex condition that may lead to blindness if left untreated. Diabetes may manifest though

Ask the Vet | Right diet for Hedgehogs

More and more people in Macau are getting Hedgehogs as pets because they small and easy to keep, but I strongly suggest before buying a hedgehog you need to know

Ask the Vet | Best exercises for old dogs

Old dogs can still play like puppies. Don’t give up on exercise and games just because you have an older dog. A regimen of regular exercise will keep your dog

Ask the Vet | Canine Distemper Virus 

Vestibular disease in dogs is rare, but may be a devastating condition. The vestibular system is in charge of coordinating the dog’s movement and allows him to keep his balance

Ask the Vet | Are Cats Allergic to Humans?

Recent studies have found a link between cats allergic to human lifestyles and conditions such as asthma. Feline allergy manifests itself in itchy skin conditions, respiratory problems and asthmatic attacks. Feline

Ask The Vet | Upper respiratory infection in cats

A feline upper respiratory infection (or URI) is an infection in the upper respiratory tract of your cat and involves areas such as the nose, throat and the sinus area.

Ask the Vet | Caring for a cat with herpes

The herpes cat virus causes flu-like symptoms. It’s only contagious to other domestic cats, but there’s no cure. If your cat contracts feline herpes virus, the most

Ask the Vet | 10 Dog Cleaning Supplies

With the right dog cleaning equipment, you can keep your house and car clean and fresh smelling, without limiting your dog to one room and no family

Ask the Vet | Cat neutering side effects

Cat neutering is the sterilization of the pet and is a method to control the feline overpopulation. In males the procedure can also be called castration, while the

Ask the Vet | Graves Disease in Dogs

Graves disease in dogs is a condition that is caused by a hyperactive thyroid gland and will occur in dogs that have hyperthyroidism. The condition is considered autoimmune and

Ask The Vet | Causes of feline incontinence

Feline incontinence often links to an underlying disease or condition. With incontinence, pets dribble small amount of cat urine all over the house. Incontinence also includes cat

Ask The Vet | Breeds prone to canine hypothyroidism

There are two main types of canine hypothyroidism, primary and secondary. There also some rarer forms of this condition. The neoplastic and congenital forms of hypothyroidism are

Ask The Vet | Reasons your cat should be an indoor cat

An indoor cat has several advantages over cats that spend time outdoors too; indoor cats are not exposed to infections, parasites, traffic accidents or poisonous plants and

Ask The Vet | How to train your dog at home 

You will need training treats to reward your dog for successfully performing a command. You may use some of your dog’s kibble as a treat when training

Ask the Vet | Senior dog food: Age specific formulas

In order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle for your pet, owners must know what to look for in senior dog food to suit their animal’s

Ask The Vet | Total dog health

COMPLETE dog health is a combination of key elements including nutrition, supplementation, and preventatives. Not only do these key elements integral to your dog’s overall health, but

Ask The Vet | An Intro to Dog Hearing

External ear There are two part to your dog’s external ear. The pinna and the external ear canal. The pinna, or the ear flap, gives