Ask The Vet | 10 Most Toxic Plants for Cats


The 10 most toxic plants for cats are as follows:

1. Tiger Lilies
Tiger lilies are probably the most poisonous plants for cats. All the parts of the plant are toxic, and able to cause renal failure. Cats that have ingested this plant will vomit, be lethargic, lack appetite or have increased thirst. If left untreated, the poisoning will cause kidney failure within 24 to 72 hours after ingestion.

2. Raw Plants from the Potato Family
The potato family of plants, scientifically known as Solanaceae or deadly nightshade, is potential poison for cats. The toxic substance is called Glycoalkanoid Solamine, and may be found in the leaves and stems. Some plants from this family are the potato, the tomato, the eggplant, chili pepper or paprika. If you grow these, keep your cat away from it.

3. Poison Ivy
Poison ivy causes ugly rashes and may be really toxic to cats. Not only poison ivy is poisonous to cats, but also Boston ivy, English ivy, Glacial ivy and Heart ivy.

4. Mistletoe
Cats ingesting mistletoe may get poisoned. The berries are the most toxic part.

5. Chrysanthemum
The chrysanthemum is a common houseplant that may poison your pet. Even if the cat touches the plant with his skin or mouth, there will be allergic reactions.

6. Creeping and Weeping Fig
The creeping fig and the weeping fig are tempting for the cat and can be toxic if ingested in high quantities.

7. Azalea
Azalea is frequently used as a landscape plant. Ingesting leaves or flowers may cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramps or respiratory and kidney problems in your cat.

8. Juniper Shrubs
The ingestion of too many juniper shrubs can lead to abdominal pain and kidney problems.

9. Daffodils and Bulb Plants
Daffodils are poisonous for cats, especially the bulbs. They will cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and may be even fatal. Cats may be at risk when ingesting any type of bulb plants (i.e., tulips).

10. Onion Plants
If you grow onions in your garden, the cat shouldn’t have access to this place. The toxic substance in these plants is the N-propyl disulphide, which may cause Heinz Body Anaemia. Garlic is also toxic for pets.
Other toxic plants include aloe vera, asparagus fern, cladium, elephant ears, English holly and the umbrella plant.

Hope this info helps
prevent poisoning of your cat
Till next week,
Dr Ruan

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