Briefs | Advisers on emergency response system welcome

The government pledged to devote its fullest efforts to cooperation with experts gathered by the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council and the National Commission for Disaster Reduction, regarding the  improvement of the response measures for any public emergencies. The Chief Executive, Chui Sai On, made the remarks yesterday during a meeting at the government headquarters with a team of 22 experts coordinated by the above mentioned entities.

Fire outbreak burns motorbikes

A fire from a motorbike broke out at R. Três do Bairro Va Ta early yesterday morning, spreading to three nearby motorbikes and burning them. Two cars in the vicinity suffered partial damage and the door of a nearby shop was also burned. The Fire Services Bureau inspected the scene and consider the fire’s cause to be suspicious. Five residents near the fire escaped to a nearby balcony with no injuries. The case has been forwarded to the Judiciary Police for further investigation.

Macau robot design lab launched

The Macau Design Center and the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) have launched a robot industry designing lab. The center will be located in the Macau Design Center and receive technological support from a telecommunications technology company.  Both this company and the Macau Design Center will teach courses on robot design and production for talented professionals in the field to upgrade their skills. A researcher from MUST recently also designed and produced a robot inspired by an earlier visual concept from the Macau Design Center.

Real Estate day to be held annually

The Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has proposed the establishment of a Real Estate Day to review the development of Macau’s real estate industry in the second half of every year. According to the association, 70 percent of the 220,000 Macau residents who are currently employed have bought properties. These residents are mainly middle-class, including SME employees and civil servants. The Real Estate Day will be jointly organized by other associations, including the Macau Real Estate Association.

Tigerair announces more flights

Budget carrier Tigerair will operate more flights between Taiwan and other regions, according to a report by Real Daily. From December 16, there will be two flights daily between Kaohsiung and Macau. There is currently only one flight connecting the two cities. Flights between Taoyuan and Busan operate on Monday, Thursday and Sunday. Starting from December 16, the flights will be available on Wednesday and Saturday as well. Daily flights between Taoyuan and Fukuoka will start on October 29.

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