Kai Fong

Survey indicates majority of residents perceives a lack of adequate sports facilities

A survey conducted by the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (UGAMM) has revealed that around 70% of respondents exercise regularly, indicating a relatively high level of physical activity among Macau residents.

However, despite the majority of respondents engaging in regular exercise, there is still a significant portion of the population that thinks sporting facilities in the city are insufficient.

For the association, this suggests that there is a discrepancy between the number of people participating in physical activity and the perceived availability of suitable facilities.

The evaluation also gauged the sufficiency of athletic amenities through the employ of a five-point scale. Respondents awarded an average score of 3.19, a decrease from last year’s 3.33.

“With the return of sports enthusiasts to pre-pandemic levels, there has been a scarcity of sports facilities,” the report stated.

Kai Fong indicated that 68.6% of participants engaged in sports within the past three months, with nearly 30% partaking in aerobic exercise for one to two-and-a-half hours per week. 21.2% engaged in such exercise for less than one hour and 19.5% exercised for more than two and a half hours but less than four.

The study indicated that a large number of participants believed that their health was above average. When evaluating their health status this year, 181 individuals (17.7%) rated themselves below five on a scale of zero (very unhealthy) to 10 (very healthy). 793 individuals (77.8%) fell between six and nine on the same scale and 45 individuals rated themselves as a perfect 10.

Furthermore, the findings highlighted that over 70% of respondents did not undergo regular medical check-ups, as well as that 76.5% did not regularly consume dietary or beverage supplements.

The survey also found that almost 60% of respondents welcomed the plan to build a sports garden at the former Canidrome, indicating a positive reception towards the development of new sports facilities in the region.

However, it was also noted that most respondents were unaware that the SAR will co-host some of the National Games competitions in 2025, indicating a potential lack of awareness and engagement with upcoming sporting events in the region.

The survey, initiated earlier this month, involved 1,019 Macau residents, all of whom were aged 16 or above.

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