Briefs | IAM logo revealed

The logo of the soon-to-be established municipal organization was revealed yesterday, according to a dispatch published in the Official Gazette. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) explained that the design concept mainly makes use of the abbreviation of the municipal organization’s Portuguese name, IAM, to form a blooming lotus flower. From left to right, the IAM logo features a color gradient starting with green, then blue and ending on a yellow note. Green represents plants and greenery, yellow represents land, and the intermediate gradient blue represents water.

Historical building partially collapsed

A historical building located at 6 Calçada do Lilau collapsed yesterday morning. The building has two stories and was unoccupied. A roof section of nine square meters, and one sixteen square meter wall collapsed. The collapse does not pose any danger to its neighboring buildings. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) claimed to have already messaged the building’s owner to follow up with the property’s maintenance. The owner also submitted an engineering work plan to the IC. The bureau will later inspect the building together with the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT).

Cultural fund grants MOP300 million in subsidies

The Cultural Industry Fund has sponsored more than 160 projects since its launch in 2014 up to June this year. The total sponsorship involves more than MOP300 million. In the first half of the year, there were 15 subsidized projects, totaling MOP33 million, of which MOP8 million were subsidies and MOP25 million were interest-free loans. Last year, MOP145 million in subsidies were granted. Seventy percent of the subsidized projects involved amounts of between MOP1 million and MOP3 million. 

Sulu Sou calls for comprehensive sex education

Lawmaker Sulu Sou has called on the government to implement comprehensive sex education into the curriculum.  In an inquiry written to the government, Sou noted that “it is important for Macau to gradually promote comprehensive sex education.” Sou believes that the priority of the city’s education authority in terms of sex education, should be local schools. “The government authority has the responsibility to closely communicate with executives and teaching staff [of these organizations],” Sou declared. “How is the administration authority planning to cooperate with schools and educational organizations to teach students how to protect themselves, how to engage in safe sexual actions, and respect diverse sexual orientation?” Sou questioned.

Man arrested after stealing during flight

A mainland male citizen has been arrested for stealing on a flight. Reports were filed by two mainland residents, in July and August 2017. The flight departed from Beijing to Macau. Together, both individuals reported a total loss of MOP159,000. The 48-year-old suspect was arrested last Saturday, and denies the accusation. The police authority seized four bank cards which did not belong to the suspect, and USD1,100 in cash. The PJ believes that there is another affiliate on the run.

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