BRIEFS: Mandatory insurance for typhoons

Lawmakers passed a bill regulating repair damage procedures in case of workplace accidents and occupational diseases. Insurance for employees who are requested to report for duty during typhoons of signal T8 or above will be made mandatory. The bill passed its first reading, as lawmakers welcomed legislation protecting employees’ rights. However, legislators raised doubts regarding the payment of insurance benefits, as well as penalties for employers or insurance failing to comply with the new rules. The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Francis Tam, acknowledged that the draft should be perfected before its second reading. The bill states that insurance should cover injuries or diseases resulting from accidents that employees might contract at work, two hours before or after work, or en route to work.

Lau Si Io to keep duty in current field

The outgoing Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Lau Si Io, said that arrangements have been made for his new role after leaving his current post. Lau told the media that he would not return to the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) where he served previously, and his new post would be related to his current field. “The government will make the announcement in time; it is related but allows me to keep it a secret for the time being,” he said.

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