briefs: Result to be released on election day

The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Chief Executive (CAECE) has estimated that it will take between 1.5 to two hours to count the votes on the CE election day. CAECE president judge Song Man Lei spoke to media yesterday after a CAECE meeting. She expressed her wish that the result could be announced at noon on the election day, August 31. Ms Song also revealed that CAECE will set up around 30 voting booths this year, instead of allowing Electoral College members to vote in their seats.

DSAT official injured in taxi operation

A Transport Bureau (DSAT) inspector was sent to hospital two days ago after a taxi driver, who was suspected of refusing a fare, allegedly injured him. According to the DSAT statement, the inspector was on duty in the Nape region when he saw a taxi driver refusing to negotiate a fare with a passenger. The inspector then approached the taxi, but the driver refused to stop the vehicle and caused the DSAT official’s injuries. After medical examination in the hospital, the inspector was found to have suffered a minor concussion and a fracture in his cheekbone. DSAT condemned the driver’s actions, and has urged the taxi industry to obey the law. Contacted by the Times, the Public Security Police revealed that the case is under investigation.

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