Caritas: City facing demand for inclusive childcare services

There is a significant demand for inclusive childcare services, according to Caritas secretary-general Paul Pun.

According to Pun, two Caritas nurseries can provide inclusive childcare services for infants and young children with mild special needs, as cited in a TDM report.

Among them, the Creche-Vamos a Brincar already has 10 children partaking in its inclusive childcare services.

However, the number of infants and young children in need is almost at capacity. Creche Caritas has already admitted three infants and young children with special needs, said Pun.

He hopes that as Caritas’s nurseries fully launch inclusive childcare services, children with special needs can receive childcare services with other children of the same age and grow up happily, and other nurseries will also be encouraged to launch services.

Asked about caregivers’ workloads, Pun said caregivers reported that the introduction of inclusive childcare services has strengthened the caretaking skills and sense of meaning of caring for children with disabilities.

Before the pandemic, a Times report had noted that parents of children with special needs – particularly English-speaking children – have few options when their children do not meet the acceptance criteria of the inclusive education system. Staff Reporter

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