KOREAS |South says North fires 4 projectiles

North Korea fired four short-range projectiles toward the ocean off its east coast yesterday in its latest in a series of missile and artillery tests, officials said. A South Korean Defense

CAMBODIA | Khmer Rouge tribunal to tackle genocide charges

The slow course of justice for the leaders of Cambodia’s murderous Khmer Rouge regime will inch forward again today, as a U.N.-backed tribunal holds an initial hearing against a pair

NEPAL | Gov’t to allow cremation of Tibetan Buddhist monk

The body of a revered Tibetan Buddhist monk can now be cremated at his monastery in the hills outside Nepal’s capital, the government said yesterday after reversing its earlier objections

JAPAN | Food safety McDonald’s to strengthen checks on chicken

The U.S. fast-food chain’s Japan unit yesterday withdrew this year’s earnings and sales forecasts, citing uncertainties from the food scandal. The Chinese food safety agency is investigating allegations Shanghai Husi Food

N Korea opens summer camp for kids

Summer camp in North Korea? It’s got one — and it’s got everything from giant water slides and a private beach to video games and volleyball courts. Oh, and, of

PHILIPPINES | Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill 21 civilians in road attack

Eleven other civilians were wounded as the group traveled in two vans in a coastal village in Talipao town in predominantly Muslim Sulu province, where the militants have survived in

Aquino: Not even a bomb can stop reform

An emotional Philippine President Benigno Aquino III called his opponents desperate and expressed confidence that many people will carry on his reforms even if he is stopped by a bomb. Aquino

THAILAND | Girls killed, hurt in attack in southern town

A 12-year-old girl was killed and seven people, including two other girls, were wounded in a roadside bomb attack near an army base in Thailand's insurgency-plagued south, police said yesterday. Suspected

Sri Lankan asylum seekers fly to Australia

More than 150 Sri Lankan asylum seekers who languished on an Australian customs vessel for weeks have been temporarily brought to a detention center on Australia's mainland where their identities

North Korea marks war anniversary

The 1950-53 Korean War ended in an armistice, meaning the two Koreas remain technically at war. But in North Korea, the anniversary of the agreement ending the hostilities is commemorated

PHILIPPINES | Soldiers clash with Muslim militants, 5 dead

Philippine troops attacked a Muslim militant hideout on southern Basilan island, triggering a clash that killed three Abu Sayyaf members believed to have been involved in the 2011 kidnapping of

MYANMAR | UN envoy worried over displaced Muslims

The new U.N. human rights envoy for Myanmar expressed serious concern about the conditions in camps for more than 100,000 mostly minority Muslims displaced by violence led by Buddhist extremists,

TAIWAN | Airline suspects bad weather caused crash

Stormy weather trailing behind a typhoon was the likely cause of a plane crash on a Taiwanese island that killed 48 people on board and injured 10 on the plane

US hails Indonesia democracy in turbulent SE Asia

President Barack Obama's quick congratulation of Indonesia's election victor Joko Widodo, even as the losing candidate rejected the result, underscores Washington's intent to deepen ties with Jakarta and support democracy

New constitution gives Thai junta sweeping powers

Thailand’s new temporary constitution allows the leader of the ruling junta to become interim prime minister and gives the military government sweeping powers in the run-up to a planned October

US Senate panel approves Vietnam nuke agreement

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved an agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation between the U.S. and Vietnam, as Washington looks to expand its relationship with its former Southeast Asian

S KOREA | Body of missing shipping tycoon found

South Korean police said yesterday that a badly decomposed body found surrounded by liquor bottles in a field last month was that of a fugitive billionaire businessman blamed for April's

PHILIPPINES | Army says 18 killed in rebel clashes

Breakaway Muslim rebels attacked army troops in two towns in the southern Philippines, sparking clashes that left 17 guerrillas and a soldier dead in a region where the government and

Filipino worker beheaded by militiamen in Libya

A Filipino construction worker kidnapped by militia men in Libya has been beheaded by his captors, becoming the first Filipino casualty in the renewed violence in the North African state,

INDONESIA | Jakarta governor Widodo wins election

Jakarta governor Joko Widodo, who captured the hearts of millions of Indonesians with his common man image, won the country's presidential election with 53 percent of the vote, final results

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