The Buzz | Taiwanese delegation in Prague to boost ties; China protests

Taiwanese government ministers were visiting the Czech capital yesterday accompanied by dozens of business and research representatives to boost trade and investment, a move that has angered China. Minister of National

This day in history | 1983 US troops invade Grenada

The action, which has shocked the world, was ordered by President Ronald Reagan following a bloody coup by Cuban-trained military who executed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, and at least 13

EU unconvinced by Polish arguments on rule of law changes

Polish arguments that fundamental judicial changes the country has made would not undermine the European Union on Friday failed to convince key bloc leaders who said that the withholding of

The Buzz | Third bank robbed in Myanmar’s largest city in three months

Five men robbed a bank in Yangon on Friday, in at least the third major bank heist in Myanmar’s largest city in just over three months, the military-installed government said, The

Covid-19 | African effort to replicate mRNA vaccine targets disparities

In a pair of Cape Town warehouses converted into a maze of airlocked sterile rooms, young scientists are assembling and calibrating the equipment needed to reverse engineer a coronavirus vaccine

This day in history | 1966 Double-agent breaks out of jail

One of Britain’s most notorious double-agents, George Blake, has escaped from prison in London after a daring break-out believed to have been masterminded by the Soviet Union. Wardens at Wormwood Scrubs

Covid-19 | India celebrates 1B vaccine doses, hopes to speed second shots

India celebrated giving its billionth COVID-19 vaccine dose yesterday, a hopeful milestone for the South Asian country where the delta variant fueled a crushing surge earlier this year and missteps

The Buzz | Facebook says it will pay French publishers for news content

Facebook said yesterday that it has struck a deal with a group of French publishers to pay for links to their news stories that are shared by people on the

Canadian wins 18th Chopin international piano competition

Bruce Liu Xiaoyu of Canada was named yesterday as the winner of the 40,000-euro ($45,000) first prize in the 18th Frederic Chopin international piano competition, a prestigious event that launches

This day in history | 2001 Anthrax claims third victim in US

A third person has been diagnosed in the US with the most serious form of anthrax. The unnamed Washington postal worker is being treated for inhalation anthrax but doctors expect him

Science | Pig-to-human transplants come a step closer with new test

Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work, a small step in the decades-long quest to one day use animal organs for

The Buzz | China’s FDI inflow up 19.6% in first 9 months

Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, rose 19.6% year on year in the first nine months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce said yesterday. During

Chopin international piano competition closes in on winner

The jury of the Frederic Chopin international piano competition was hearing the last finalists early today in Warsaw before announcing the winner of the 40,000 euro ($45,000) first prize

This day in history | 1967 Thousands join anti-war movement

The biggest demonstration yet against American involvement in the Vietnam War has taken place in the town of Oakland, in California. An estimated 4,000 people poured onto the streets to demonstrate

Jumping onto trucks to get to Britain: A migrant’s day

Mohammad and Jaber spend every day looking for the right truck, and this afternoon it feels like it could happen. This truck seems right. They scream to their friend to jump.

The Buzz | Israeli scuba diver discovers ancient Crusader sword

An Israeli scuba diver has salvaged an ancient sword off the country’s Mediterranean coast that experts say dates back to the Crusaders. Israel’s Antiquities Authority said the man was on a

China says moon rocks offer new clues to volcanic activity

Moon rocks brought back to Earth by a Chinese robotic spacecraft last year have provided new insights into ancient lunar volcanic activity, a researcher said yesterday. Li Xianhua said an analysis

This day in history | 1987 Shares plunge after Wall Street crash

The world’s stock market has collapsed after shares on Wall Street suffered a wave of panic selling. The Dow Jones industrial average plummeted by a record 508 points, registering a percentage

USA | Bill Clinton back home after hospitalization from infection

Bill Clinton arrived yesterday at his home in New York to continue recovering from an infection that left him in treatment for six days at a Southern California hospital,

AUKUS | Indonesia, Malaysia concerned about Australia’s nuclear subs

The foreign ministers of Malaysia and Indonesia expressed concern yesterday that Australia’s plan to obtain nuclear-powered submarines may increase the rivalry of major powers in Southeast Asia. The U.S., Britain and

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